The first Barcode Milk Purchase project, which we realized as Data Media in 2001, was first implemented as Data Media Milk Purchase in Yakalar Village of Kemer District of Burdur Province. Afterwards, our program was put on sale with aves COOPERATIVE Package Program, which is the version of all cooperative transactions. We have been working on the algorithm of this business for years and we have tried to realize the most secure and trouble-free software by establishing direct connections with the fairs and indicator companies abroad and we still continue our studies by giving importance to R & D. You can listen to the success stories of cooperatives and businesses that purchase milk through our system for years.
Objectives of the Program
Tracking the production and consumption realized in the cooperatives online from many points as soon as possible. Bring together the accounting, cooperative, manufacturer and supplier chain as soon as possible.
Scope of application
Milk Collection Centers
Mobile Milk Collecting Cooperatives
On-Vehicle Milk Collecting Businesses
Mobile Milk Collection Workers
Manufacturing Cooperatives
Irrigation Cooperatives
Forest Cooperatives
Agricultural Development Cooperatives
Mass Milking Centers and Farms
Dairy and so on.
How Milk Automation Works
It is in the form that the producer who comes to the milk collection centers with the barcode identification card containing the producer member information is introduced to the program with the help of the barcode reader and the milk produced daily is recorded to the account together with the information coming from the digital scale without error. This automation works with two different interfaces. The first one is the milk purchase screen in the milk collection center and the other is that the cooperative management and / or accounting department can see them from the main screen at the same time. At the same time preparation of invoices, feed to the member, bran and so on. sales. It is an indispensable part of the cooperatives with the screens that sell the milk produced by the cooperative for dairy companies and other functions.
Accountants’ milk book collection procedures withholding list, support and risturn calculations can be taken immediately from the system.
One of our exemplary practices, S.S.Yazıköy Irrigation Cooperative completes the milk intake process in about 1.5 hours before it starts in 15 minutes. Total time spent for milk taken twice a day is 30 min. less than. This time was more than 3 hours before automation started. S.S.Yazıköy Cooperative is one of our cooperatives which has 14 tons milk capacity per day. Month-end transactions are instantly received at the touch of a button and invoices are issued with a single button. This information is also immediately available from the accounting office in Burdur.
Prepared for cooperatives and milk collection centers, our automation is a first in its sector. Our automation is indispensable for the cooperatives and the sector in which the processes such as collection, marketing of the products taken from the processors to the sale of the products taken from production to marketing are carried out in the shortest time and without errors. The system is delivered to our customers in the form of kiosks.
Since our system runs completely over SQL database, it has a very strong and reliable structure. The system can be monitored safely from anywhere in the world with a remote handheld computer or compatible mobile phone. If desired, the program can run from a complete flash disk. In cooperatives with multiple milk collection centers, online database connection is also performed. (Example: Burdur S.S.Karamanlı Irrigation Cooperative) or offline end-of-day operations can be carried with a flash disk.
Since the user rights given to each user are different, they cannot use the unauthorized parts.
Cooperatives can complete production through our software if they wish. With our market automation, they can sell products or services at normal prices to other customers with discounted prices from their cooperatives to their members.
Call us for more information. Click for Program Demo.
Common Information is saved on the screen above…
Unlimited Inventory Cards Open by pressing F2-New Key….
You can also manually enter the milk data entered directly from the balance in our customers using automation bu
The milk entered during the month on the All Receipts screen of the Producer Receipt is automatically credited to the accounts with the F5-Prepare Invoice button.
Afterwards, these invoices are printed quickly in succession with the F9-Print button.
Call us for further information +90 532 465 2790 + 90 505 764 67 90
Note: All information in this Web page content is image video, etc. The right of publication belongs to Data Media.